Join the Journey!! 

Travel alongside Julie as she pens her book MASTERS OF CHANGE.

It explores the intersection of identity loss and forced change after the rug's pulled out from under you. 

Does this resonate?

Sign up to be a part of creating this book!

No expertise required. All perspectives welcome. 

Get on the mailing list so I can let you know about presale and launch (and you can share with others :) 

Contribute as much or as little as you'd like.

Here's how you can make this book the best it can be 

  • Share this link and let others know about it
  • Vote on the COVER
  • Vote on the TITLE
  • Become a BETA READER 
    • Receive material  one chapter at a time
    • Give feedback on as many or few chapters as you'd like. (Whatever works for you.)
    • TOTALLY not expecting people to read the whole book! (And you're welcome to full early access :) 
  • BE A CONNECTOR — Give me ideas on who needs this book (strategic partnership ideas)  people/organizations/conferences where I could do workshops or give speeches.
  • Introduce me to people I need to connect with on like-minded missions.
  • Schedule a brainstorming session with me to design a workshop for a strategic partner.
  • Contact me with any ideas you may have to help get this information to those who need it.



Right now it's time for BETA READERS!!

I've finished my first draft of the manuscript and am in the REVISIONS phase.

I'm seeking feedback on individual chapters over the next few months.

Feedback deadlines are  fluid :)


Sign up below to receive the introduction!!


 BETA READER feedback is SUPER easy and fun!!

For each chapter:

  • 3 things you like 
  • 3 killer quotes that resonate
  • 2 things that might be improved 

That’s it!!

(This is completely NOT about proofreading.) 


Are you ready to join me?


Sign up below and I'll send you the introduction!

P.S. If you don't want to beta read it, COMPLETELY understand. Would you consider sending to someone who would?

Thank you for joining my journey.

I look forward to sharing my presale announcement with you, and opportunities to vote on cover art and title.