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New Normal Coaching

Helping families in trauma thrive in a new normal after their child's catastrophic medical diagnosis.

Struggling to make sense of what just happened?
Juggling new balls you never knew existed?
Need to adapt quickly to your new life?
New Normal Coaching with Julie Browne, LCSW, can help you.
In just four months, using proven strategies and tools, you'll be restoring hope, quality of life, and helping your child live their happiest, healthiest, and most meaningful life possible.

What would it look like to...

  • Create a happy, healthy new normal using strategies and tools tailored to your goals? 
  • Feel better emotionally, regardless of circumstances? 
  • Have the tough conversations needed to get your and your family's needs met?
  • Stop stressing about not being as productive as you’d like?
  • Feel confident while tackling the never ending, previously unimaginable daily challenges that’s now your new life?

Are these the kinds of things you say to yourself?

“I’m totally overwhelmed and stressed out.”

“I’m drowning in a sea of grief (and angry as hell)!”

 “I can’t see how we'll ever be happy.”

“I’m lost and scared to death.”

"I'm guilt-ridden."

"I completely don't know how to cope."

 "I'm beyond terrified about my child's future."

"My marriage might implode from the strain of our situation."

Julie —The New Normal Coach


Watching a mom and tween girl eating snacks and chatting at my favorite café, I told them I’d never had time like that with my mom when I was young.


"She was too busy keeping the family together and my brother alive."


I grew up in a family with a child with a catastrophic illness. By the time my oldest brother was ten, my parents had planned four funerals for him (and he's still alive!). 


My childhood wasn’t easy and it wasn’t all that fun. Who knows what kind of person my dad would’ve been if my brother hadn’t almost died all the time.  


But in retrospect, I saw that my parents' stress must have been almost unbearable. 


And later, as a social worker for families with kids receiving specialty medical care, I got to witness a bit of what my parents went through.


I even had a phone conversation with a mom, sitting beside her son in the same hospital where my mom sat so many times with my brother, watching her son suffer from radiation side effects as they both fought for his life, just as my mom and brother had done so many times. 


Now I help families like mine create more joy and less stress than what I grew up with, by giving them the support my parents needed and didn't get.


I help parents protect from toxic stress (repeated experience of a stressor without adequate support), to reduce children's future risk of health, social, and economic prevent or reduce current and future complications impacting quality of life. 


— . —


After losing my social work career from an injury-turned-disability, I recently found a way back to my calling—helping people suffer less. 


First I found my topic—unexpected identity loss—and started the Bold Becoming podcast. I interview people about regaining their footing after the rug’s pulled out from under them. 


I discovered patterns in their overcoming adversity stories that were the same as mine.


Then I wrote a book on the topic—Masters of Change. 


Now I’ve developed a coaching program. New Normal Coaching serves parents who are strengthening their internal resources as they navigate the grief and daily challenges of parenting a child with special needs. 


I support parents moving from feeling powerless, scared, sad, and mad to feeling more competent and at peace with their new roles and family trajectory.  

Helping parents with children with medically fragile, life-threatening, or complex health conditions, special needs/disabled children, and/or atypically developing children


My high-touch-point, private life coaching package is designed to provide you with the support, strategies, and space to prioritize your well-being so you can give your child what they need most—a happy, fully present parent. 

With four months of personalized, 1:1 coaching, including three 60-minute calls per month and unlimited email support, you'll have the tools and guidance needed to navigate life's toughest challenges while keeping your sanity at the forefront. 

The curriculum-based program coaches on seven principles most important for your success in being the best parent you can be: 

1. Emotions

2. Clarity

3. Family Dynamics

4. Energy

5. Courage

6. Productivity

7. Influence

For those seeking a starting point, my New Normal Session offers a glimpse into the possibilities that await when you commit to finding a path back to peace. 

Click the button below to schedule a free New Normal Session today! 

This session values at $500.

It's that easy! Yes, really—I’ll help you for free on this one!

Be sure to schedule today, as I only take 1-2 new clients per month.

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You Really Have Nothing to Lose!

New Normal Coaching is guaranteed to calm the chaos in your mind and heart, or your money back!!


If you're triggered by the overwhelm of your family's new landscape, you're not an inadequate parent. You're HUMAN. You're traversing foreign terrain that wasn't part of your plan. 

 You deserve the tools and support needed so you can have the clarity and courage required to manage the overwhelming complexity of your New Normal. New Normal Coaching helps you do that.

I believe so much in New Normal Coaching that I don’t need any commitment from you, other than just showing up for our free first call and playing full out with me.  

It'll give me an opportunity to see if you're ready and committed to improving your life, and make sure that, honestly, we're a good fit in our communication style and commitment to positive, impactful change. 

If you don’t feel like this is your time, you'll get the benefit of the first session of free coaching, with no other obligation. 


In just 4 months, you'll already be well on your way to being the very best parent your child needs you to be.


50% Complete

Two Step

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